Supporting Concept

One-stop source for all your needs wherever strong knowledge of Farsi language and Persian culture is indispensable – So trust us!

Translation and education projects, communication with Farsi speakers worldwide, developing a market strategy targeting Persian communities, and alike – simply anything in Farsi!

Tailored To Needs:
We care about you and your clients in detail

Since there are zillions of needs, requirements and requests from different industries, companies and individuals in the world, our services must be accordingly tailored to the particular needs of each and every client. Generic blanket solutions are no recipe for success. 

We’ll assign a team of dedicated experts to your project to learn what differentiates your industry / business/ field of activity from the competition. Then our services and involved processes are customized and fine-tuned to best fit your scope of needs and strategy. So you’ll get a tailored solution simply just for YOU!

Our services

Remember your success is all about who you work with.


Translation projects can be efficiently implemented and delivered. Quality assurance and standards are integrated in our processes.


To communicate your message clearly and fast across different platforms, Farsi LSP provides quality services, supporting achievement of your objectives.


We are able to co-develop a customized market strategy best targeting Farsi speaking communities worldwide to promote your products and services.

Our work

Solutions developed for a wide array of needs and purposes, where knowledge of language and culture is a must.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Results:

Our clients have rated Farsi LSP services and the results have been demonstrated below:

Fulfilling Changing & New Needs
Overall Customer Satisfaction

Let's talk about your next project

Let us know your project, plan or idea and we integrate our strengths into your team’s to formulate a winning proposition.